Helter Skelter

1. A Kick ass Beatles song about an amusement park ride. 2. Charles Manson's messed up belief that the world would end with a race war between blacks and whites where the blacks would kill all of the whites(Except for Manson and his "family" who would be hiding in the bottomless pit by then). Manson states that the problem with the blacks in control is that they wouldn't know what to do because all they've ever known how to do was what "whitey" tole 'em to. So they would seek out Charlie in the bottomless pit and make him king of the world. 3.Pure and total chaos.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Helter Skelter. Some of the top words include: Eminem, skizzle, kkkill, walack, whigger, and 25 more.